
So, where have I been? you ask.

Weeeell, whilst I’ve been away from here for a while, I’ve been super busy with my health, recovery aaaaand….wait for it…. working on a NEW ALBUM and one that I am completely PROUD OF!!! With that said, I have recently released 2 new singles since Saturday 20th April called “Cathartic” and the other “Father of Lights” featuring my friend and producer Pete Barnardo (you can follow him on Insta or find his page with the same name and like it). You can find these songs on all digital outlets as well as YouTube under ‘KuriA’ or ‘Kadeciablessed’.

It has been one heck of a journey and there was a time I never thought I’d be able to really get back on my music properly even though I was still writing songs/music and other material. It has been an experience to have to relive some of my pain and joys and frustrations, as well as a steep learning curve for me. I learned more than anything about working with a team and also making creative decisions sometimes that others didn’t always agree with. I had to learn to trust my instincts and trust God as well as my close friend and family’s support throughout the making process.

I learned about the struggle of sometimes doing things too quickly or too slow and the effect it had on time and planning with regards to release dates. I learned more about who was really for me and who wasn’t also, I also learned more about the importance of when to speak and when to be silent. A lesson that I am still learning I might add.

Through it all, I am very excited about this new venture and this new stage of my journey with music as now I have an even deeper back story that for me makes my music that much more worthwhile. 

So, with that being said, I am pleased and excited to announce that my album “INTO ME SEE” by KuriA, will be released on the: 

20th May 2019!

Signed CD copies will be available at £15 + Postage and Packaging. There is also a T-Shirt to commemorate the release of this album available also for £10 + postage and packaging! However, as part of my celebration in releasing this album, if you get the CD with the T-shirt at £25 you’ll get POSTAGE AND PACKAGING FREE! Yes! That’s right! FREE! (Comment below for more details and I’ll send you the PayPal link)

The album will also be available on all digital outlets and streaming sites everywhere also. But there’s nothing like having keepsake memorabilia! So, in addition to downloads, getting you a signed copy will be EPIC and worth it! Therefore, in the meantime, please let me know what you are up to and how you like the two songs released so far ahead of the new album. Below, I decided to let you get straight to it with the two youtube audios of the new singles! eeeekkkk!! Yup! I couldn’t wait! It’s worth downloading!

Keeping it real as always!

Peace xx

The Elected Lady aka KuriA


“Stay: Watch with me for One Hour…”

Source: “Stay: Watch with me for One Hour…”


It’s good to reblog from time to time. This time I’m reblogging a poem I wrote a few years ago for Easter. It was a Good Friday because the events that happened that day changed the course of history forever and ricochets of the effects of the events echo endlessly into eternity. So be blessed by this poem. 😘😘


Keeping it Real,


The Elected Lady 

Peace! Xx



It’s about time I blogged again. Pure prose. No pictures. Just talk.

I have been fighting the urge to write for over a year now. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to properly document my ideas and thoughts. I thought whatever I write it won’t be enough.

There is always a critic waiting to criticise you and your performance without prior knowledge of your growth and process or of the way you think. There will always be the one person who will encourage you too but you freeze under the weight of self-unbelief. There is an inner mockery of voices tormenting your mind and the external pen poisoned messages eat through the pores of an aching soul. There is always the unspoken silent screams and the constructive voices that help you navigate your growth. And, the perpetual sounds of all these voices are directing your growth that the inner voice keeps silent or speaks that you can’t even hear.

Well, today, I am tired. I am tired of these thoughts and voices. I am tired of feeling like I’m not enough even though the truth is I AM. I am ENOUGH. I’m tired of feeling like I have to do something to receive love. Or feeling that I’m only loved because I’m down or because I’ve done something good for someone so now they feel they ought to Love me yet view me as a burden overtime. Or loved out of obligation because “God says we should Love”.  

Yet when they love, they withdraw it over time. I hate the withdrawal. Especially of love. Excuses like “I’m busy” or “sorry I just can’t” (Even though I’m most understanding of the circumstances). When the heart of another begins to withdraw and invest elsewhere leaving you wanting, wanting, wanting…

The Longing of Love. The validation of Love. The needing of Love. Now I start to look needy. Not a good look ey? Not enough. “Oh no you’re not a burden!” They say. Hmmm. Well we’ll see. I feel like a burden. I’m having to change my speech. Change me to be received and loved as enough. You withhold the secrets of your heart that you once shared regularly with me. We shift. We change. You withdraw. Withdraw. Withdraw. You lie “I’m just busy!” You wait for me to ask, ask, ask. And in my asking, though I receive, it’s done out of a sense of obligation. I wear your ear out. Yes, I talk too much. That’s me. Yes I chat nonsense. That’s me. I’m border-lining heresy. Yet I walk in the Truth. That’s me. My thoughts have gone crazy wild. That’s me.

That’s Wilderness me. That’s not inner me. I am Love. I am Light. I am Goodness. In the right environment I thrive but this is part of building ‘me’. The wilderness me is my building site me. It’s my quarry. It’s the war. It’s the dessert. If you can’t hack it out til the end, fall by the way side with the doubters and shakers. Leave the wilderness. I am not alone. Never Alone. Abba is with me. Always has been and always will be.

When He sees me, I am enough to him. I’ve always been enough. And from being enough, to making me more enough. Turning my enough to more than enough. Because He loves me as I am and bringing out who I am. I AM ENOUGH. There are others like me. I’m not alone in my wilderness or journey. They too, are enough. Enough. Enough. I accept. Please accept. We are ENOUGH.

As ever Keeping it Real, Peace! 


The Elected Lady xx

Black Dog Blues

The best article I’ve read today. If you suffer, please don’t suffer in silence. Wonderful blog from a great friend that I love. Thank you Angela. You’re an Angel. ❤❤



Monday evening and I’m feeling exhausted. I’m tempted to reach for the sugar, the crisps, the chips and anything else unhealthy that I can get my hands on. Monday evening and my motivation levels are in my boots and  holidaying there it seems. This isn’t just Monday blues, I’ve been feeling like this for a few weeks now. I keep telling myself that  it’s not going to last, that it will pass soon and black dog will leave and not come back. But the black dog wants to be taken out for a walk and run around and make me feel even worse. He wants me to play ball with him and throw him a stick, give him some bait to chase after. I’m reluctant to give in to his wants. You see, I’ve spent the last few weeks (and years in all honesty) throwing him that stick and playing…

View original post 816 more words

Six Feelings…

I came across a story yesterday that has resonated loudly in the silence of my heart and I don’t know how I missed it!  I discovered it on searching through Child Prodigy Akiane Kramarik’s paintings. For a long time now I’ve not been able to articulate the thousand musings of different topics that have constantly raged through my thoughts; and have dominated my moods of expression on paper for fear of being judged by those very feelings and thoughts, and the people that read them. Thia is why this story means so much. In fact, reading this story on one of Akiane’s paintings stunned me and vibrated a deep truth yet simple illustrated in the best way I know how in the form of storytelling which has started to open me up again and prepare my tongue as ‘a pen of a ready writer’. Storytelling is a most beloved childhood favourite. Therefore, I thought it only best to share this story with you. I just couldn’t keep it to myself and let facebook have it alone!

Let it bless you as it has me! Oh and a… Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Akiane Kramarik shares the story as follows…:

“Once upon a time, in an island there lived six feelings and emotions: Happiness, Knowledge, Love, Sadness, Richness and Vanity. One day they discovered that the island began sinking! So all of them built boats and canoes and left, one by one. Except for Love. Love wanted to delay abandoning her beloved island as long as possible.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Akiane Kramarik’s Time

Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love asked, “Richness, can you take me with you?”

Richness answered, “Sorry, Love, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat, so there is no place here for you. With both of us in here we will sink for sure.”

Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by, but Vanity offered the same answer.
“I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, take me along with you.”
“Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”, sadness said in a gloomy voice.

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.”

It was an elder with a tattered head scarf. An overjoyed Love jumped into the boat. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Love looked around and saw the Knowledge who was the first to have landed there a while ago.

“Who Helped me?” Love asked.
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered.
“Time? Why time?” Love was surprised.

“Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.” The Knowledge smiled. “

As ever and always Keeping it Real!


The Elected Lady xx